Is Dental Insurance Worth It?

Is Dental Insurance Worth It?

Dental work is expensive. Even basic preventative services cost an arm and a leg, and major work can break the bank. Dental insurance can solve this problem, but if you aren’t on employer-covered dental insurance or if it isn’t part of your medical coverage, you have to purchase a private dental plan. Dental insurance has many benefits, but it also comes with some associated costs. Whether dental insurance is worth it really depends on your needs, priorities, and budget.

Dental Insurance Benefits

Dental insurance makes it possible for the average person to afford to care for their teeth and gums. Most plans cover basic preventative care, including dental exams, teeth cleanings, and X-rays. Keeping up with these routines can help prevent more serious and costly dental treatments and procedures in the future. 

If you require major dental work, many plans make the costs shareable so that you don’t have to pay the total expenditure on your own. Of course, you will be paying monthly premiums instead, but in most cases, that cost is significantly less than the cost of a major dental procedure.  

Average Cost of Dental Plans 

While dental care isn’t affordable without insurance, the average person can usually afford to pay the premiums for a dental policy. Furthermore, deductibles for dental work generally cover between 50 and 100 percent of the service costs and are typically much lower than those for medical insurance plans. Since rates differ according to region, carrier, and other factors, it’s always a good idea to read the fine print of each plan and get a personalized quote to find out what you would be required to pay.

Average Cost of Dental Services Without Insurance

Dental care costs vary according to several factors, including the dental practice you’re visiting, the region you live in, the materials used for the procedure, and which teeth are being treated. According to national estimates, the costs for some of the most common procedures are as follows:

  • Teeth cleaning: $75-$200
  • Tooth crown: $500-$3000
  • Root canal: $300-$2000
  • Tooth filling: $150-$450
  • Dental implants (per tooth): $3000-$4500
  • Full mouth periodontal treatment: $4000-$10,000

If you’re serious about keeping up with routine preventative care or if you anticipate needing major procedures done in the future, dental insurance is most likely worth the expense of the monthly premium you’d have to pay. In any case, it assures that you’re financially protected from the high costs of complex dental procedures and treatments that may arise due to accidents or problems like gum disease.