Preventive Care Services

As the saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure,’ and that’s what preventive care is about. Preventive care is routine health care that covers screening, check-ups, and patient counseling. The aim is to prevent illnesses, diseases, and other health problems before they occur. 

Preventive Care Services

As the saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure,’ and that’s what preventive care is about. Preventive care is routine health care that covers screening, check-ups, and patient counseling. The aim is to prevent illnesses, diseases, and other health problems before they occur. 

Preventive care service is part of a health insurance plan and the policy pays for the care received to prevent an illness from developing. At Goldstein Healthcare, we have researched the best insurance policies with preventive care service coverage and will help you make an informed choice. 

Preventive care service is part of a health insurance plan and the policy pays for the care received to prevent an illness from developing. At Goldstein Healthcare, we have researched the best insurance policies with preventive care service coverage and will help you make an informed choice. Click for more on what is preventative care and what isn’t.

Preventive Care and the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a healthcare reform law that became operational in 2010. It was formerly referred to as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The ACA expanded Medicaid eligibility and prevented insurance companies from denying coverage to policyholders because of pre-existing conditions.

Also, the Affordable Care Act mandates insurers to cover preventive care. Section 2713 of the Act states that private health plans must provide coverage for a range of recommended preventive services and may not impose cost-sharing (such as copayments, deductibles, or co-insurance) on patients receiving these services. 

What Is Covered Under Preventive Care Services?

There are three categories of coverage under the Affordable Care Act: adults, women, and children. An ACA-compliant insurance plan must cover these three categories, but the fee schedules may differ based on whether you have a grandfathered or grandmothered plan. Read on to understand your preventative care needs you need.

Preventive Care Services for Adults 

If the adult is over 18 years, preventive care will cover the following: 


Screening coverage includes: 

Blood pressure 

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (for men of a specified age who have never smoked)

Alcohol misuse

Colorectal cancer 



Type 2 diabetes

Hepatitis B and C



Lung cancer

Syphilis (for adults who are at higher risk)


Preventive care services cover aspirin to avert cardiovascular disease for men and women of a certain age. 


Preventive care services will cover counseling for:

Alcohol misuse 


Diet counseling for adults at risk of a chronic disease 

Smoking cessation interventions for smokers

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) for adults at risk


PCS covers immunization for Hepatitis A and B, human papillomavirus (HPV), and influenza.

Preventive Care Services for Women 

Preventive care services for women cover ‘all women’ and ‘pregnant and may become pregnant’ women. 

Preventive Care Services for All Women

Breast cancer genetic test counseling for women of higher risk

Cervical cancer screening for sexually active women

Breast cancer chemoprevention counseling 

Breast cancer mammography screening every one to two years for women over age 40

Osteoporosis screening for women over age 60, etc.

Pregnant or Women Who May Become Pregnant

Routine anemia screening 

Syphilis screening 

Breastfeeding supplies for nursing women 

Folic acid supplements 

Gestational diabetes for women 24-28 weeks pregnant or those at a higher risk of developing the illness, etc. 

Preventive Care Services for Children 

PCS for children is for those below the age of 18. It covers:


This includes: 

Behavioral assessments

Blood pressure screening 

Autism screening at 18 and 24 months 

Depression screening 

Obesity screening 

Hearing screening for newborns, etc.


PCS covers:

Gonorrhea-preventive medication for the eyes of all newborns

Iron supplements for children ages 6-12 months at risk for anemia

Fluoride chemoprevention supplements for children without fluoride in their water source


Preventive care services cover:

Hepatitis B

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough)

Hepatitis A

Influenza (flu shot)

What Does Preventive Care Not Cover?

Preventive care service does not cover:

Diagnostic tests and screenings 

Additional primary care visits 

Specialist visits 

Alternative therapies 

PSA Blood Tests

Is Preventive Care Service Free?

Most health insurance plans provide 100% coverage for the preventive care services listed in the Affordable Care Act. This includes individual health insurance plans and the ones provided by employers. Also, you must use an in-network doctor to enjoy the coverage fully. 

Is Preventive Care Service Beneficial?

Yes, preventive care helps you detect illnesses early before they become severe and get proactive treatment. Also, you don’t have to buy an additional health plan as it is part of your health insurance policy. 

Preventive Care Services vs. Diagnostic Care

Preventive care services are for the early detection of an illness, while diagnostic care covers the services received after a doctor makes a diagnosis or a discovery. For instance, a radiologist may ask a patient to do a mammogram after a breast screening. Your health insurance plan will cover only the breast screening because it is a preventive service while the mammogram is a diagnostic service. 

Goldstein Healthcare is Here for You!

At Goldstein Healthcare, we make it easy for individuals, families, and employers to buy health insurance coverage. Our knowledgeable team will recommend health insurance plans based on your needs. 

Contact us today to get a free quote.