The Difference Between Coinsurance and Copay

A pair of scales on a wooden table, signifying differences.

At Goldstein Healthcare, we often encounter clients puzzled by the intricate details of their health insurance plans, particularly when it comes to understanding the difference between coinsurance and copay. These terms frequently pop up in discussions about benefits and coverage options, highlighting a crucial aspect of navigating healthcare financing. My goal is to demystify these … Read more

Max FSA Contributions: Navigating Benefits and Strategies for 2024

A stethoscope resting on a layer of cash notes. This symbolizes max FSA contributions.

Navigating the complexities of healthcare financing can be daunting, but understanding how to leverage a max FSA has been a game-changer for me and my clients. As an agent in a health insurance firm, I’ve seen firsthand the difference it makes when individuals maximize their Flexible Spending Accounts. It’s not just about saving on taxes; … Read more

4 Health Insurance Trends for 2024

An animated description of a man lying down on a psychologist's coach while receiving therapy. His eyes are closed, he looks calm.

As a leading provider in the health insurance sector, we’re constantly monitoring “health insurance trends” to stay ahead of the curve and meet our policyholders’ evolving needs. The landscape of health insurance is rapidly changing, influenced by technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations. In this blog, I’ll dive into four key trends we anticipate will … Read more

How to get Health Insurance in Florida

Various words in black text on a white background. The words are all related to health insurance in Florida, with the three largest words being "Florida" "insurance" and "health"

Securing health insurance in Florida is pivotal for residents and newcomers alike. This essential guide aims to simplify the process, offering clear insights into navigating the diverse options available within the Sunshine State. From government programs to private insurers, understanding how to get health insurance in Florida has never been more straightforward. Table of Contents … Read more